“High Precision Tool Grinding”
Nowadays, the demand for usage of more sophisticated tool geometry rising to high values because of Modern NC & CNC Manufacturing Systems. Keeping the tool sharp is an indispensable factor to reach high degree of accuracy and high quality.
TB-02 has the capability for multiple grinding operations at a single chucking of the workpiece. Saves setup time, assures excellent concentricity. TB-02 maintains its versatility for generating straight and tapered, right or left hand, infinitely variable leads from a simple built-in lead mechanism.
Turnable mounting of entire workhead slide assembly through 235 plus degrees in the horizontal plane, has proven to be a real asset when grinding radii. Workhead that is adjustable on separate main slide with dual handwheel control has proven to be a boon for setups. The combination of the machine swiveling turnable and movable offset slide provide your shop with versatile capability to quickly set up and accurately generate convex and concave radii of varying sizes.